Blog 3: Mini-Companies “I fell in love with several things about the Dutch”

Dit is de derde blog in een reeks van ongeveer twintig die zullen volgen in de drie weken dat onze studenten bezig zijn met het Mini-Marketing-Companies project. Volledig in het Engels, inderdaad.

Today we met at Friese Poort which is located in Sneek. We met all the students who will be working with us as a team on this project. We are now a total of 22 students coming from three different colleges which are: MCAST (Malta), Friesland College and Friese Poort, the last two being locals.

We started the day by a presentation which was done by two Maltese students being, Jody and Christian. Afterwards, we went around the building to explore their school environment in which it made us realise how different their college works, starting all the way from the structural building, the insides having a lot of activities such as table tennis and a pool table. At noon, they provided us lunch from their canteen, which by the way is a nice and welcoming place.

Then we continued to work on our projects, we came up with many ideas how we could promote our projects and inform other people on our work. At 16:00pm we left the school and went roaming around the place, since we never been to this city before throughout these three days. We all enjoyed ourselves going around the city and last, we ended our day with a nice dinner in Sneek.

Throughout this time, I learnt and fell in love with several things about their culture. Some of which are the aspects that during school hours students are very peaceful, moreover, the students are able to relax during their free periods (I noted that in one of the schools there is a place for students to have a quick nap or rest). I personally liked this idea since this will help you to focus more on your work. Another thing that I enjoyed doing was working with other students and learn about their different culture and teaching our different languages to each other.