Exchange projects with H-A-S on the horizon

Top right: Ruediger Saemann, Front right: Stanko Zeljak (Ondernemerscollege), Top left: Dörthe Garbers, Front left: Karin Hoffmann

Three guests from the Hannover’ Hanna-Arendt-Schule visited the Friesland College School of Commerce and Services. Next to succesfully negotiating a new exchange project they also dropped by the Entrepreneurs College for a quick look.

First things first, we are happy to announce a collaboration  between the Hanna-Arendt-Schule and Friesland College vocational secretary programmes. Along with agreeing on a number of key-conditions, the valuable and longstanding relationship between the departments has also proven to be a solid platform for a new exchange project. Our German colleagues will now move forward with penning down the exchange details and we are looking forward to hosting the students in the near future.

Entrepreneurs College also had the pleasure of receiving the three guests. During the meeting we have exchanged knowledge and ideas on entrepreneurship. The meeting was productive and we delved into specifics of Entrepreneurship education, starting with basic buidling blocks and moving to peripherals and didactics. At this time our common ground is the understanding that educators themselves do have a key role in leading innovation. In effect we too are now contemplating a professional exchange project with a goal to trade working practices and review organizational principles.

It was a pleasure receiving our guests and we are looking forward to a future collaboration!